The summer is on and it is getting difficult to go about the regular chores of the If moving outdoors has become inconvenient staying indoors isn’t as easy as it As home owners we are compelled to use…

The RERA Act which was passed in 2016 and came into complete effect in 2017 has definitely set things in motion as far as real estate is In fact, it has set a very different yet a positive tone…

The great Indian Summer is finally here and it is doing what it does best – heat up things! As we move into the peak summer months of April to June it can get quite difficult to go about our…

Years 2016 and 2017 stood witness to initiatives such as Demonetisation, GST and most importantly, from a real estate perspective – the RERA At first, the real estate sector took a hit and witnessed a slump in property sales…

It has been a mixed year for the residential real estate market in India, recent regulations such as the RERA, Benami Acts and Government initiatives like demonetisation have had a considerable impact on the The last quarter of 2017…

Every time the topic of real estate pops up, the discussion tilts towards metros and the next set of cities that would vie for the top 10 property destinations in This is quite natural ever since the real estate…

The Residential real estate in Bangalore has a slightly different tune to it in comparison with the other Though, Demonetisation of higher valued currency notes did pause the momentum of the residential real estate it has however, not stopped…

Ever wondered about your retirement destination? You must have thought a lot before taking a decision to buy a home, but have you wondered about where you want to retire? Wondered as to where you want to finally settle down…

Bangalore, the city is synonymous with modern day Titles such as ‘’Start-up capital of India’’, ‘’Silicon Valley’’, ‘’Garden City’’ only go to show the extent to which the city has transformed over the Bangalore is one city that…

India’s growing young workforce with their steady income and an investment mindset is set to play a significant role in the residential real estate market, in the coming India has undergone rampant urbanisation during the last one As…